Math and Science Academy, 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury MN 55125
Phone Attendance: (651) 578-8061
Phone Main Line: (651) 578-7507


Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)

Start Date/Time:11/17/2017 at 8:00am
End Date/Time:11/17/2017 at 9:00am
School Wide:Yes

Building B, room 103B

Special Education Wants to Hear from you!
Join the MSA Special Education Advisory Council
Friday, November 17th (8:00 am)
Resource Room 103B

The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is a group that provides input on special education to the MSA school district.
The purpose of SEAC is to advise and advocate, not determine policy.

What is SEAC?
What Does SEAC do?
Who is part of SEAC?
How is SEAC a resource to my family?
How can I get Involved?

Questions? Contact: Mike Deschneau: (Special Education Director)

Math and Science Academy
8430 Woodbury Crossing
Woodbury MN 55125
Hours: Click Here For Details

Main School Line: (651) 578-7507
Attendance Line: (651) 578-8061
General Fax: (651) 578-7532
Student Records Fax: (651) 800-4600

The MSA Dragon

Authorizer Contact:
Liz Wynne - Director
(763) 557-6676 |
P.O. Box 581639
Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

Authorizer Performance Commendable Rank From Minnesota Department of Education