Math and Science Academy, 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury MN 55125
Phone Attendance: (651) 578-8061
Phone Main Line: (651) 578-7507

MSA Medical Assistance Infomation

How do I apply for Minnesota health care?

Request an application by calling MinnesotaCare at (651) 297-3862 (Twin Cities Metro) or 1-800-657-3672 (toll-free). For TTY call 711 or 1-800-627-3529. Complete it and mail it in. Print the application from the Minnesota Department of Health website, complete it and mail it in.

Need additional information or assistance?  

Go to Guide to Minnesota's Public Health Care Programs

Re-enrolling in Health Care Coverage

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) announced the final timeline for restarting annual renewals in public health care programs. With Medicaid eligibility newly becoming a part of direct certification, which is currently tied to the compensatory revenue formula, schools could be affected by this change.

Due to the pandemic Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare renewals were paused but are now restarting. More than 1.5 million Minnesotans on Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare will need their program eligibility reviewed through a renewal process by May 2024.

Minnesota will restart the renewal processes for Medical Assistance in 2023 beginning with the July renewal cohort. Renewals for MinnesotaCare coverage will restart beginning in October 2023 for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2024. View the full timeline.

Mental Health Resources

Washington County Crisis Response

Mental Health Resources

Mental health resources:

Math and Science Academy
8430 Woodbury Crossing
Woodbury MN 55125
Hours: Click Here For Details

Main School Line: (651) 578-7507
Attendance Line: (651) 578-8061
General Fax: (651) 578-7532
Student Records Fax: (651) 800-4600

The MSA Dragon

Authorizer Contact:
Liz Wynne - Director
(763) 557-6676 |
P.O. Box 581639
Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

Authorizer Performance Commendable Rank From Minnesota Department of Education