Math and Science Academy, 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury MN 55125
Phone Attendance: (651) 578-8061
Phone Main Line: (651) 578-7507

Credit Recovery Task Force

Purpose: The purpose is to create a process for credit recovery and the meetings will be TBD and only as long as necessary. 

Task Force Leadership: Noell Haland

People on Task Force: BOD members, teachers, parents

Meeting:  TBD 

Chair’s responsibilities: to plan and facilitate meetings, and report the findings and recommendations of the task force to the BOD

Task Force Members’ Responsibilities: to review documents and statutes, provide feedback, and volunteer for specific tasks as needed

Please email if you have any questions.

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Up to Parent Directory

    Math and Science Academy
    8430 Woodbury Crossing
    Woodbury MN 55125
    Hours: Click Here For Details

    Main School Line: (651) 578-7507
    Attendance Line: (651) 578-8061
    General Fax: (651) 578-7532
    Student Records Fax: (651) 800-4600

    The MSA Dragon

    Authorizer Contact:
    Liz Wynne - Director
    (763) 557-6676 |
    P.O. Box 581639
    Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

    Authorizer Performance Commendable Rank From Minnesota Department of Education